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Welcome to Wihallew's about page! Here you can find her references, personality, and fan art! For more context and story lore, read the Defected Guide, which can be found on the Defected Home Page! Thank you for stopping by!

Wihallew's Personality

Wihallew is a Shilka who is kind and quirky. She is stubborn and excited to learn anything and everything. She is mildly self righteous but works hard to not act like that even when she feels full heartedly she is right. She values all life and people and is mega sensitive to textures. She has an anxiety disorder, ADHD, and is incredibly emotional; because of her struggles, she can let her emotions get the better of her sometimes. She is fierce and refuses to be labeled incorrectly by others. However she is usually able to notice her mistakes and works hard to try and do better. Often when she is comfortable with a certain individual, she can let her emotions take too much control, eventually leading to an outburst or fight. Lew gets defensive much too fast, yet she still cares very much about others. The spur of the moment can get her riled up much to quickly, which is why she gets into conflict a little too often. 

Wihallew has a connection with The Eagle and relies greatly on that bond. She loves learning new things and can get wrapped up in her projects so much that she forgets to take care of herself.  

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