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King Lunem

Welcome to King Lunem's about page! Here you can find his reference, personality, and fan art! For more context and story lore, read the Defected Guide, which can be found on the Defected Home Page! Thank you for stopping by!

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King Lunem's Personality

Lunem is an ambitious,  strong warrior. What he lacks in size he makes up for in agility and quick thinking. However, his foresight is very poor and he never thinks through the consequences of his actions. This leads to his inevitable demise as the "worst King in Talidian History" as many label him. He resorts to violence a lot of the times because its the only thing that has worked for him in the past. He is entitled and aggressive. His bite is just as bad as his bark, and he never hesitates. He naturally jumps to conclusions and assumes that what he believes is the only correct option. While this does lead to his downfall, it is a trait that made him appear strong and direct in his leadership, which at first, gained loyalty from many Talidians. He does care for Shilkas as a whole but is very nationalistic and cruel to non-shilkas. In his mind everything he is doing is right because of false influences driven into him when he was young. Now when others try and tell him the damage he is doing, he assumes they are just seeking his power, or are just misunderstanding and dumb. He is so very stubborn in his own ways, to the point of absolute stupidity. After Talidia defects to the world of Viri, Lunem loses most all of his grip on his people and 7/10ths of the Talidian population go and start new kingdoms. Lunem is paranoid and becomes a control freak, but after 12 years of ruling in The World of Viri, Lunem kind of gives up and rules very weakly. His Kingdom has fallen, with a much smaller population and awful economy. Crime infects Talidia as Lunem doesn't do much to enforce law.

Design Symbolism

Lunem has yellow eyes to symbolize his somewhat unstable mind near the end of Season 1. His green coloring is a much more yellowy-ill green, unlike the green coloring on his father. Noalis's green symbolized his good nature and peaceful tendencies, whereas Lumen's green leans much more on the greedy-sickly kind of tone. His fin that is behind the ears is in the shape of a cobra's hood; this is to show how easily he gives into darkness and evil tendencies. His actions reflect the will of The Snake's; while he never has seen The Snake in physical form like Zarin has, Lunem is still greatly influenced by The Snakes wordless temptations. The red in his design is to nod to his violent actions. He has dark grey and light grey markings to reflect how he makes decisions purely off of the black and white of situations. Even with the fact that he only makes choices based on the simple yes or no, he still presents a very muddled shade of grey that is not easily solved. 

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