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Councilor/Guardian Dexe

Welcome to Councilor/Guardian Dexe's about page! Here you can find her reference, personality, and fan art! For more context and story lore, read the Defected Guide, which can be found on the Defected Home Page! Thank you for stopping by!

Councilor Dexe.png

Dexe's Personality

She is one of the 6 ex-PowerGuardian rulers of Kanti and is a compassionate and sarcastic fluff ball. She was a formidable and strong Power Guardian who fought fiercely in the Civil War, loosing her arm in the process of fighting. Never the less, Dexe is still just as powerful of a fighter when she wants to be, using her quick thinking and resourceful nature to outwit her opponent. Dexe is ultra kind and loving and will protect everything she loves with a burning motherly love. Dexe can get on the defensive a little too fast after many of her trusted friends turned against her in the Civil War.  She feels as though she wasn't quite cut out for leadership, and relies a lot on Dailron to help her out with decisions. She and Dailron are pretty close, to the point where Dexe gets to see Dailron's old laughing self from time to time. They also are both smitten for one another but are too scared of rejection to confess. Because Dexe feels inadequate to lead, she often gets overwhelmed by stress and worry. To cope, she goes out in a field near the Kanti Castle and stargazes. 

I have yet to make her a Guardian Reference

Design Symbolism

Dexe has a very round and soft design and paired with her color palette, she has  a very friendly and loving appearence. She is pastel and soft to represent her kind and gentle nature. However, her eyes are sharp and dark in coloring, revealing how deeply she loves her people and friends, and also how she will not hesitate to fight when the time comes. Her opponents often underestimate her because of her soft complexion, yet she always beats them in the end. 

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