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I always loved drawing, and creating art. From a young age, my family encouraged me, and built up my confidence in my art ability. From that I grew and drew more and more often. I transitioned to drawing in a sketchbook instead of on printer paper around 4th grade. Now I have an entire bin filled to the brim with old sketchbooks. I love to go back and look at how I have grown.


As soon as I knew Youtube existed, I wanted a channel. I often spoke aloud to myself while drawing, as if I was recording a tutorial. I remember even having a binder where I made plans on how to get my parents to let me start a channel. I was only a little obsessed


Something that kind of shook me when I remembered it, was the fact that I had wanted to animate when I was younger, but couldn't find a program to do it. I was really surprised when I remembered it a few months ago, because now animation is what I do ALL THE TIME. I don't know, it just was strange to think about.


A little bit about me, I am an introverted girl with a passion for art! I love nature and forests, ESPECIALLY ASPENS, and I adore blankets! (I have like five that I sleep with) I'm not a huge fan of coffee, and I have an older sister who is an amazing musician! My mom is a wonderful woman with a strength I will admire forever, and my dad was an incredible pastor and beautiful man. He passed away little bit ago. I love the mountains and fresh cool air. I love cool weather, and DESPISE heat! (Except the heat from blankets. I LOVE BLANKETS.) I have a fascination with other countries and languages! I think that they are just so intriguing!! I don't really have a favorite color, though I have always really liked the color blue! I find it very soothing. My favorite animal is a fox BY FAR.


Lastly, I want to mention my faith. I am an openly Christian animator who is incredibly happy to be in this community. God is my everything, which is why I make my faith quite upfront on my channel. In any case, I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day or night. <3

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