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I'm a self-taught artist and Youtube creator who strives to share God's beauty through my art! I love drawing my characters and animating my stories! Thank you for stopping by!

Tools of Trade

I use quite a few programs, and it can get a little confusing when I try to explain it every time someone asks me, so I will explain it here! 

For static drawings, I use two different programs, each for different levels of detail, depending on the drawing. 

  • For easy, simple line work with shading (Like my profile picture here), I use Sketchbook Autodesk, which is a free program! (I don't use Sketchbook as much anymore, but I do like some of the brushes and text options!)

  • For more detailed/textured drawings/paintings, I use MediBang Paint Pro, which is also free! 

Moving into animation, I only use one program.

  • ToonBoom Harmony Advanced! I pay for a yearly subscription to it. There are three different levels of ToonBoom Harmony that you can pay for: Essentials, Advanced, and Expert. I have Advanced, and I have found it has just the right amount of tools for my level! 

Finally, my editing programs!

  • I used Imovie for a lot of my videos, but it has started to cut off my audio, decrease my video quality substantially, and failed to work properly lately among other things. While I still use it, I try to avoid it due to the recent bugs.

  • Mainly, I have transitioned to using Filmora 9, though I have found a lot of gaps and holes in the program. It lacks a lot of essential tools that Imovie had, and it was quite disappointing to find out how it wan't what I had hoped it would be. Overall its fine, but I wish Imovie would work again.

  • I now use Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro for editing, though it kills my computer XD

I draw and animate on a Windows HP Pavilion Laptop (upgraded to 32 Memory GB), but I know that Medibang Paint and Sketchbook are on mobile for free if you want to try them out!

Chibi Wihallew1.png
Mountain Lake

Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

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